WTF is Chaga?
Chaga is often referred to as the King of functional / medicinal mushrooms; ‘King Shroomi’ we affectionately call it around here. While it may be new to you, this mushroom has been used in Ayurvedic & Chinese medicine, as well as cultures around the world for over 5,000 years.
Benefits of Chaga Mushroom include:
- balance energy
- reduce fatigue
- combat inflammation
- supercharge your immune system

This mushroom grows on the sides of birch trees in colder climates and while it may look like a lowly chunk of coal or dirt, it shouldn’t be underestimated. It contains a variety of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that nourish overall well-being.
Chaga contains massive amounts of the pigment melanin, which is a potent antioxidant. Ready to nerd out with us for a second? Chaga has one of the highest ORAC antioxidant scores of any food. ORAC is short for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, and is the measurement of total antioxidant power of foods. The benefits of Chaga Mushroom are endless.
Woah, tuck that fact in your back pocket for your next dinner party. So consider chaga your daily bodyguard.
We added this powerful mushroom to our Recover Bars so that it can help you replenish, nourish and restabilize after long sessions at the gym, work, or at the crag. Want to know one thing the best in the world do better than everyone else? They focus on recovery. And now you can too, because you deserve it. You can only send it as hard as you’re recovering.
While we wish we could light a candle, wrap you in a sauna blanket and read you a sleep story, our Salted Peanut Recover Bar will have to do for now.

*Stuff we have to say: We are not doctors, nor do we pretend to be. This information is not meant to treat, cure, heal or diagnose any illness or disease. Please seek advice from your trusted medical professional(s) if you have questions if these products are right for you.